This is the special place where my film journey began. Everglades High School, circa 2012. 

Here at EHS, they were known for having the best of best extra curriculum programs to allow students discover their inner burning passions and creativity from deep within. One of their electives, TV Production instantly called my name during my sophomore term at Everglades. Everyone at my school knew I was either going to in front or behind the camera in the near future.  I spent the last 3 years of my high school experience dedicating my focus and time towards learning the in-s and out-s of how to get my hands dirty with production. I surprisingly learned that I am a jack of all trades once my teacher assigned me to do every single position on the docket when it comes to a production crew line-up. It was definitely an eye-opening and unforgettable time for me. I am still applying all the useful tools I've gained during the course of my time there. 

Huge shoutout to the teacher that helped catalyze my interest for production,


 2013:  GTV COPS & ROBBERS episode

Directed, shot and edited by Catherine Gustave

Footage is shot on JVC Camcorder film and edited on Final Cut 

Note: this video is for film studies purposes, I don't own the rights to this video 

2014: gtv MAde episode

Directed, shot and edited by Catherine Gustave

Footage is shot on JVC Camcorder film and edited on Final Cut 

Note: this video is for film studies purposes, I don't own the rights to this video 


Directed and edited by Catherine Gustave

Footage is shot on JVC Camcorder film and edited on Final Cut 

Note: this video is for film studies purposes, I don't own the rights to this video 

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